Whether you are experienced at working from home, or this is your first spell, it is important you take steps to set up right. No matter what you think working from home is, it is good to give yourself the best chance of success.
At Coakley & Theaker, we are pleased to say we have helped many vendors prepare their home for a sale. This isn’t the same as preparing to work from home, but there are similarities. You need to create a space with purpose while you should look to create a spacious and clean environment. If you follow these tips, you will help yourself to make the most of working from home.
You will find it helpful to have a space for work purposes at home. When you are here, you are working, and when you are anywhere else in your home, you aren’t working. This should allow you to switch off, but also, it will help you remain focused when you are working.
If you can, try to replicate your normal working environment as best as you can.
If you have other people at home, especially children, you may not get time to focus on your work. However, if you do find yourself working consistently, it is imperative you allow yourself to get away from your desk or workstation.
Ellie Wilson is the co-founder of virtual assistant service, Virtalent, and she spoke to the BBC, saying; “It's important to stand up, stretch, move around and even go for a short walk to take a break from your work and your screen. Being cooped up without stopping for a break can mean your productivity levels drop, you become more tired and less motivated to complete what you're working on.”
Whether you are a sociable person or not at work, you will find working from home is a completely different environment. It will do you good to catch up with people from your work, especially if they are operating in the same manner as you are.
Hugo Mortimer-Harvey works remotely and he spoke to the BBC, saying; “More and more people hide behind email rather than pick up the phone and talk to colleagues and contacts. When you spend the day working on your own, actually calling people and having a conversation can be much more stimulating and indeed productive than a chain of emails.”
Scheduling time to have a catch-up coffee or eat lunch at the same time as someone remotely will be good for you. Knowing that others are in the same position as you is always helpful, and catching up by phone or live chat will boost your spirits.
At Coakley & Theaker, we aim to support the local community as much as we can, and we know this is an extremely trying time. A lot of people are looking for support and guidance, and if you have any property or housing related questions, we are more than happy to assist you, so contact us today.
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Email: info@coakleyandtheaker.co.uk or coakleyandtheaker@gmail.com
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